Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Impact of Caring at Home

We've discussed the importance of A-C-I, Assessment, Cost and Impact -- looking at all three as you care for your aging parents.

After work, the next place loving your parents affects you is at home. How? First, in every spare minute, as you fold the laundry, cook, weed the garden, mow the lawn, you'll be THINKING about what to do about your folks. If they live far away, that will worry you. If they live close by, seeing them start to slow down, memory slipping, not keeping themselves up the way they used to, that will worry you.

So how to combat this? Action: the only response to fear. Make that appointment to take Mom or Dad to the doctor. Call a bonded, preferably Medicare-certified, home healthcare agency and ask what they charge for a home health aide to help with housekeeping, bathing, and periodic companionship. Read a book or some articles on caregiving.

Do something constructive and you'll keep away fear because you'll have more confidence that you know what you're dealing with when it comes to caring for your parents. Your time with your family at home will be more peaceful and so will your sleep.

What if Mom and Dad have to move in with you? We'll discuss how to deal with that next.

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