My mother hallucinated last night -- these are bits of the scary part of caring for an elder parent. From the living room, I heard her say, "I don't want any more orange juice." But as far as I knew, we were the only ones in the house.
I went it and asked about the juice. She said the nurse was making her drink more orange juice. "Which nurse," I asked, playing along. "The one right there." Okey-dokey. "How 'bout some water instead" Okay, she said.
My mother's on a mimumum amount of medication compared to many her age for which I am grateful. These hallucinations -- her mother, my Daddy, her old bosses, folks coming to a dinner party -- were more prevalent at the skilled facility, when she wasn't being talked to and engaged all day long like she is here at home.
So, I guess if I were alone, I'd make up friends, too. The first time it happened, I freaked out, but was told that it's typical with forms of even mild dementia.
Just as long as all she's looking at is a nurse wanting to give her orange juice. If the bad guys come, I might have to pull out my imaginary guns.
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