For those of us without earthly fathers, this can be a difficult day. Today can make the loss of a Dad we loved painful and make us want to cry or just hide away at home, like me this past Mother's Day. Many of our fathers are alive, but we are estranged, and are reminded today of the pains the relationship has cause, perhaps made to feel guilty for not wanting to make that "Happy" phone call or send that "Happy" card.
Here are some thoughtful words from one of our readers:
"This is my first Father's Day without my Dad...I cannot believe how incredibly sad I am. I keep thinking back to this time last year which unbeknownst to me would be my last time seeing him. He was so precious. I was so blessed. He was not only a good man, but the best of fathers. I miss him so much. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow to honor him, but truthfully I try very hard to live each day in honor of him."
What a beautiful tribute to your father, and thank you so much for sharing it with us. You are your father's legacy, and all that he taught you, and inspired you to be, and your honoring him every day are the most beautiful things you can do to celebrate his memory today and every day. I am sorry for your sadness and loss. What beautiful words you write, "He was not only a good man, but the best of fathers."
May you remember the best times today, and I'd say you are doing everything to honor him with your writing and your life. So, with joy through the tears, dear reader, Happy Father's Day!
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