Thanks so much to my new friend Val, who honored me with writing a post for her great blog Joy in the Rain. Please check out her site, what a wonderful name, it fits so many situations, especially caring for our aging parents.
Happy Father's Day! Love your Dad by calling and saying "I love you," or honor his memory in a special way. Looking at old photos, watching the Open if golf was his passion. Or celebrate with your own family and give him a special toast! Enjoy!
This is my first Father's Day without my Dad...I cannot believe how incredibly sad I am. I keep thinking back to this time last year which unbeknownst to me would be my last time seeing him. He was so precious. I was so blessed. He was not only a good man, but the best of fathers. I miss him so much. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow to honor him, but truthfully I try very hard to live each day in honor of him.
Thanks, ellee, so much for your comment. I responded in today's post. Blessings to you. Your Dad would be very proud of you! All best and thanks, Jane Allison
Hi honey,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful post. You are the best. I will be back. I tried to thank you yesterday, but I was having a hard time commenting. It happens to me alot in blogger. I might have to move my blog someday. You have a good week!!! Hugs!! Val from Joy in the Rain xox
Hi, I'm Valerie's sister, Krissy. I'll be back to read more of your blog when I can. My time is somewhat limited bc of the health of my husband (complications from a stem cell transplant due to two cancers). I also visit my parents (elderly) often. Btw, i friended you on fb today, i hope you friend back. i'm also on twitter: http://twitter.com/iamkrissy I hope we can be friends there also, valerie speaks so highly of you... :)
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